DecisionBar Trading Software is no longer accepting new subscribers.  Previous subscribers may purchase their own copy of DecisionBar Trading Software for $997 by contacting us at the email address below thru 7/1/2024.

On 7/1/2024 the price will increase to $1197.




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Disclaimer - GENERAL RISKS OF TRADING AND INVESTING - (1) You may lose money trading and investing. (2) Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. (3) Hypothetical or simulated performance is not indicative of future results. (4) Don't enter any trade without fully understanding the worst-case scenarios of that trade. Do NOT trade with money you cannot afford to lose. Important Information & Terms Of Use: The contents of this website, DecisionBar Trading Software and all accompanying web pages, are the sole property of All rights reserved. Any reproduction, passing on, lending, hiring, copying, or reselling of this content, in any original, edited, or adapted format, without the prior written permission of the owner, is strictly prohibited. All analytical content provided within this site are a technical treatise, aimed purely to educate users. Neither the charts nor the contents of this website, constitutes in any way or form, an invitation to buy or sell any financial instrument, or to partake in any other financial activity by way of any financial instrument, and is not calculated to lead directly or indirectly to persons doing so. The user of this site fully accepts that the developers, author, and owners of the site, are purely educators of continually improving, a method found to be valuable to them, which the user may find useful when embarking upon trading as a basis upon which to build his/her own trading programs. The developers, author and owners of are not investment advisors, stock brokers or brokerage and thus any decision to embark upon trading with real funds based on any information contained within this site, is the users` own, sole decision and responsibility, and any subsequent profits or losses resulting from participating in the markets with real funds, rests solely with each individual person/user, and not with the developers, author or owners of Further, the user accepts that the data and chart information is not guaranteed to be accurate at all times, and that the publisher is not accountable for any errors. The user is advised not to rely solely on this data, but rather to double check any data points (including individual stock, futures or forex prices) published via his/her own independent sources. All data quoted is at least 15 minutes delayed. The user understands and acknowledges that as a general rule, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. All price information is provided and transmitted as received from independent third party data sources. You must contact your brokerage to make trades in any financial instrument. Copyright 2024.